Friday, January 25, 2008

Reaction to Last Night's Debate from FLA

In the final debate before the Florida primary, five men seeking their party's nomination were vying for not just Florida votes but for supporters for Super Tuesday and sound bytes to catapult them to free media spots this week.

The most talked about line was Gov Romney's response about hating the idea of having former Pres Clinton in the White House with nothing to do. That was a good one, governor. What was not so good, though, was his clear bumbling of the issue of the second amendment when he said he would support the Brady Bill? UGH!! And what are we to make of "Romney's whisper?" Seems someone somewhere didn't think Romney knew what Tim Russert was asking about and whispered to Romney something about taxes. Listen for yourself: .

Then there was Rudy, who basically looked like someone who was resigned to losing Florida and the nomination he once was so confident he would win, and Mike Huckabee, who had his wit and charm but perhaps overplayed his down home country bumpkin platitudes when he compared WMDs to Easter Eggs!

Sen McCain, the long time darling of the media, had plenty of questions thrown his way. His answers on particularly economic issues showed that he really doesn't understand the issues. He denied saying that he was not quite the expert on economics (which David Schuster showed he had said in his post-debate "truth squad.) He has flip flopped on the Bush tax cuts even though his rationale for originally voting against them (deficit spending) still definitely applies today. Finally, in attempting to answer a question from Rep Paul, he clearly did not have the foggiest idea what Rep Paul was talking about.

So that leaves the one man true to the constitution, Dr Ron Paul. As usual, he had fewer opportunities to speak but was able to answer with conviction and truthfulness as he always does. The people of Florida and the country need to wake up despite the media blackout and vote for the one man right on the war, right on the economy, right on prolife issues, and right on personal liberty. Ron Paul in 2008!

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