Recently someone said that we just need to say, "No" to Ron Paul.
Why? Because while he was sticking to conviction and warning us of going into Iraq, no one would listen. Instead we go to war based on enforcing UN sanctions? Is that conservative?
Or maybe because he has constantly voted no to unbalanced budgets? Perhaps because he has never voted for tax increases?
Maybe we should vote "no" because he is committed to strict constitutionalists to be nominated to the judiciary? Maybe we should vote no because we don't have to guess, we will KNOW every nominee will be for overturning Roe?
How about we vote "no" because he actually has studied economics and wants to rein in this unaccountable federal reserve?
We are in trouble folks. We have a tanking dollar, a federal reserve about to lower rates further to further crank the cost of everything, an economy about to head into recession if not worse. We have millions of illegals that we are handing out welfare benefits and education and even scholarships to. We are in a war that Sen McCain admits to not mind being there for 100 years as long as Americans are not being killed. A war that was as unconstitutional as it was wrong in its reasoning and justification.
But now, we go forward listening to the same group of people who were for the war, for big govt programs, and no warning of any sort of economic meltdown?
Yet who do the American people look to? Ah, someone who raises our hopes in Barack Obama? Someone who can make me smile with his wit and colorful personality in Mike Huckabee? Someone whose big claim to fame was happening to be mayor of NYC when 911 occurred and who turned his city around through tightening gun restrictions among other things? or how about McCain who came in second to big govt George W Bush?
Ron Paul is no great public speaker. He is not a very good debater in these debates. He is a little older than most and it's hard to get him to crack any sort of joke. But the man loves the constitution and will defend it with all that he is. He speaks what he thinks and believes and is true to himself. Watch footage of him from 1988 and while the hair color has changed, his commitment to less govt intervention here and abroad, the constitution, and personal liberty has not changed. For our sake, our children's sake and our country's sake, say, "Yes!" to Ron Paul in 2008!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
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