Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thoughts on Gov Huckabee

I remember hearing about Gov Huckabee back in the 1990s. It was so refreshing to think the people of Arkansas has seen the error of their Bill Clinton ways and vote for a bible believing minister to be Governor, even if he only "made it" originally because the previous governor had to resign. Still, I remember then thinking how great it was to have someone named "Huck" and prolife as governor.

Aside from that, I heard his name here and there but never in the national attention until this year as the GOP debates began. Originally, it was wonderful to hear his commitment to the life of the unborn, his opposition to L.O.S.T., and his belief in the true reasons for our second amendment. Of course, I have always been a Ron Paul supporter but it seemed that with Gov Huckabee, there perhaps was someone I could support in the general election if Rep Paul was not the nominee. I was wrong.

As time went along and the debates continued, more things became abundantly clear: Gov Huckabee was no real conservative and definitely no constitutionalist he claimed to be. My list of objections began to grow with each debate and interview I heard him. Originally, I of course had a problem with his support for the war, but his reasons for doing so (for "honor" even if it was a mistake, even if the whole of the nation was opposed to it) made no real sense. In an interview with Chris Matthews he was asked if he would sign a nationwide smoking ban in public place, including private property. He answered in the affirmative which shows his misunderstanding not only of prvate property (bad enough to sign as governor) but now also completely misunderstanding true federalism and the limits on the federal govt. He claimed to be Jeffersonian, but where were Jeffersonian and constitutional principles here?

As time went along, I also began to see that Huckabee was no conservative when it came to the role of govt altogether and especially spending. Apparently, there is not a program this guy does not like. In the debates, he has been for ethanol research, rubberstamping anything NASA wants including a manned trip to Mars, govt programs based on "need," and pretty much anything else under the sun. He even criticized the president for vetoing the child health care bill that came in at a cool $35 billion. Just about the only thing Gov Huckabee is for cutting is the income tax and ending the IRS. I applaud him for this but to make that your great appeal when you not only have to pass the fair tax itself but must coincide with the appeal of the 16th amendment, is hardly a walk in the park. What I am afraid will happen is that Gov Huckabee will get his national sales tax and we will still have some sort of income tax on top of it! It will be a real fiasco!

Turns out that Huckabee is more like GW Bush in the spending category than any other GOP candidate and the out of control spending is the biggest problem most Republicans have had with the Bush administration. Well, I should say the second biggest problem because there is also the issue of illegal immigration. More republicans are outraged with the administration over this issue than any others and yet Gov Huckabee falls very much in line with the president's position. Sure he is FOR securing the borders but ALL the candidates are for that. What does Gov Huckabee want to do for the illegals already here? How about scholarships in colleges? How about instead of shutting down the govt charity benefits, we come up with new ones? Huckabee has also supported a pathway to amnesty as well.

All this said, the latest from the Hucakbee campaign has really hammered in the final nails on the coffin of any hope I could ever support his candidacy. I see now that Gov Huckabee uses humor, story telling, and excellent personality to dodge issues, questions, and build trust with others a la another fellow from Hope, Arkansas. So what was orignally so appealing is now a turnoff for me as I see him not answering questions about the death penalty (Would Jesus support it?) and Mormonism (simply, as a Southern Baptist minister, is it or isn't it a cult?) and actually misleading potential supporters in telling the Amercian people what his part in the parole of convicted rapist really was.

All in all, Gov Huckabee turns out NOT to be someone with a couple decent core principles but completely misguided views on the role of govt and the way it spends taxpayer's money but rather a typical politician: one who grew up in the ways of manipulating people into the kingdom of heaven through an emotional look into the eyes, a well rehearsed good story, or a good joke and who now tries to do the same as he manipulates the truth or avoids his own positions to keep up his image of being well liked and to win the nomination.

1 comment:

Soli Deo Gloria said...

Huckabee knows how to charm. And since he is a pastor, he knows well what charm does:

Proverbs 26:25 - Though his speech is charming, do not believe him, for seven abominations fill his heart

Provers 31:30 - Charm is deceptive...