Thursday, December 13, 2007

Open Letter to Fellow Ron Paul Supporters

Hello all,

I opened up the paper today to look for a letter to the editor from my pastor, Jon Smith of Post Falls Presbyterian. (Just FYI, if ever you want to attend a service much akin to one from the revolutionary times, join us!) In case you didn't catch it, it was a reprint of a letter to Gov Otter telling him of a very brief conversation Pastor Smith had with a local National Guard recruit at the mall. He asked him if he would go door to door confiscating guns if ever he were told to do so to which the national guardsmen responded, "I would follow orders."

ANYWAY, I was a little surprised to see a second letter from someone pretty well known in our community as a "White Pride" man and self pronounced "conspiratologist," Richard Masker. Now, everyone should be, WITHIN their realm of influence, speaking up and out for Ron Paul. The prolife evangelical in his churc h, the militia man in his regiment, the CTer in his 911 conspiracy theory meetup, the anarchists at their flag burning times, the pro drug crowd when they are burning something else, the economist when he talks $$ over cigars and brandy. I know I am stereotyping but I am angry when we take this outside our realm of influence and talk about Ron Paul wanting to expose some sort of neo Bolshevik conspiracy. I really feel this is completely counter productive and playing into the hands of those who are just licking their chops to label Ron Paul a nazi flag carrying member of the aryan nation.

So, I appeal to all of your better judgement. While I want Ron Paul to be president of all the people of the US, no matter creed, color, or culture, I think we all need to be very careful in what ways we seek to support Dr Paul's candidacy. I, for one, do not want to hear about how building 7 was brought down by explosives, how the illuminati masons are in some small room pulling the strings of the nations, or how Ron Paul is secretly running for the libertarian nomination. These kinds of conjectures have no place in serious campaigns. Is there not enough problems with the system (as is clearly seen) to deal with. Is the war in Iraq, our failing dollar, an out of control judiciary, a hell bent IRS, wire tapping, illegal searches, torture, GITMO, Roe v Wade, the ATF, CIA, FBI, NAFTA, the NAU, the shutting down of the liberty dollar, the federal reserve, the Patriot Act, federal program after federal program, the national ID card, and all the rest NOT ENOUGH for some of you?


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